Monday, March 10, 2025

Blogging The Google Way

Must read

Before someone jumps in and tells us that Google isn’t the only search engine in town – I already know. However, just lately they have been publishing some interesting stuff to help webmasters. Their latest offering is a fairly basic but timely reminder on how to put together a blog using the old fashioned KIS principle (keep it simple).

I draw many web site owners to the opening paragraph of the article:

If you have a website but don’t have a blog, consider creating one: A blog is a great way to connect with people who share your interests, or to publicize your site or product. Blogs are easy to create and update, and rich, useful, and original blog content will encourage readers to come back to your site.

From the masters themselves – blogs can be great for business. They are not as tricky as some people think so blogging your business should be easy. Follow the Google path and your blog will have a good launch pad. Their path? Remember that KIS principle:

  • Write well and often
  • Follow the webmaster guidelines.
  • Categorize your posts.
  • Make sure users (and crawlers) can easily find your blog.
  • If necessary, limit comment spam.
  • Check our tips for affiliate sites.
  • Create descriptive titles for each of your posts
  • Connect with your online community.
  • Publish a feed of your content.
  • Add your blog to your Webmaster Tools account.
  • Verify your blog.

These are all sensible easy to understand tips. You would be surprised at how many bloggers forget even these basic suggestions.

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